Originally posted at Metal Spree.
Mogh, is one of the few true black metal acts to originate from India. Having released 5 full length albums, 2 live albums, one demo, and one split album this year, they have still managed to stay underground and serve the world with their awesome music. Here , we talk with Khaon Faustoos Crowley, the man behind Mogh.
Hello Faustoos, thanks for talking to us, where are you these days ?
Hail !
Right now, I am in Germany.
Were you basically from India ? And now moved to Germany ?
I am half Persian, half Israelian.
I was in India for some practical black magic and experimental chaotic life.
What exactly you were looking for ?
I was trying to find the roots of Zurvanism.
When the Arabs, and the Afghans and the Turks and the Russians, attacked Persia, all the Moghs run to the eastern part, as in India.
So I was researching and travelling around to find out the real truth about the old moghs.
And that is when you decided to form a band ?
Yes, when I was in India.
The date was, 06.06.2006.
Tell me more about Zurvanism.. is that what was the main inspiration behind the formation of Mogh ?
Zurvanism, is the first darkness pure occult , coming from the Sumerians.
There is no light or any such meaning as light in Zurvanism.
Its all darkness. Unity.
Because when you have light around, you have shadows.
From here we have a daulistic vision, and we need to choose...or its lost.
So when Mogh actually began, what were the core motives for its formation ?
It was huge genre, and still we are not focused...its so vast..but some areas we stray a little longer..and that makes the core.. things like Anti-Islamic theme, general Anti-religion , anti-human, anti-life..
Pretty sick sometimes..develop the historical events..family revenge..
We don't have a lot of Black metal bands these days with such a vision eh ?
That's out of my legion.
They does not exist for me.
I've read about Mogh Army , what exactly it is ?
We are an organisation, underground, around the world...a gathering of elits.
What does it stand for ?
We lead the people who join us, to carry the pain to be human. The whole concept is about Nihilism. A unity in silence..and do what we need to do..
We share our food, our money..our instruments and lifes...it's an army who is active and won't be defeated that easily..its kind of a dream utopia..a dark brotherhood..schwarz network..
Schwarz is german for Black.
You've seen the movie Fight Club ? Somehow similar..
Ya I saw, nice movie..
I don't see a lot of people standing up against religion, Islam in particular..I mean I myself is an atheist and it's hard for people around to deal with me..so was it difficult for you too..from your friends and family..
I lost my family in war...so I don't have.
Friends I can't call...that's the reality..
But I can say, my people, my army , my members, my group, they are everything to me, and we educated our self by facing the reality..so in one hand ..its all very easy.
We fight for freedom, and we know freedom is not free..
You see the Mogh logo...one sword in one hand, one gun in another..that's all.
Yeah about the logo, is that Shiva's trident on the left ?
Well, Mogh first was Magu, in the nail language you see down the logo called coneiform. Summerian its Magoo, then come to India, Maha, and back to Persia, Mogh, Europe, its Magic...so I use the global symbology. We call it Spawn in Satanism, Trishul in Hinduism, and Poseidon in Greek. Originally its back to the symbol we have in black arts called Caviconalox.
Is it something like the pentagram ?
Alrighty, so what instruments you play ?
Bass guitar, Cello, Santoor, Tanboor,... check the Metal-Archives.
How does the recording of albums goes by ? I mean the music making process, riffs, lyrics .. everything.
Some times, if we have money, we go to studios. Most of the time, some PC chitt...and in the end, I just cut the sound from the videos we have..and release..
I am not into technical stuff...for us, its just the meaning behind.
I have written a book called Black Flame. Its kind of nihilistic journey I had in a small world and all achievement about occultism and..
So. Mostly I use main topics from the poems or essence of my writing..
The riffs, mostly when I travel somewhere, I meet real souls...than we make music or riff..
That book is available online ?
No, there is an underground publisher in USA.
Can you tell me more about the lyrical themes..?
It depends on tracks..some of them are patented stuffs..
Its kind of code..in Enochian languages...or kind of mixture with dead languages..
Personal revenge..darkness shitt.. In many songs I used the charm or thelematic course.
And many times its just screaming .. no words.. its just expression.
There was a split album released this year ?
Yeah..2012 is gonna be many split albums.
As the rumors are around..is 2012 the end of Mogh ?
Well, no infact..
But I think I found the final genre for the band..
And what that will be ?
Occult pagan mesopotanian black metal.
I have started to work on it, I have yesterday's practice room videos if you'd like..
Tracks aren't ready still..no vocals..its just a scratch.
Sure, and Thanks. So do you have a line up right now ?
Yes, drummer is a german guy, called Commander.
Saxophone and female vocals is Bandir..
There are two guitarists, a violin and a flute too.. but it depends on each track..
That must be hard to coordinate..I mean so many instruments ?
Yes sir, but it comes by heart..most of us do not even know about notes..
There are no limitations here..
You are playing for any other bands ?
Yes, I am playing bass in two underground german bands.. Burning Cross and Khoshekh..which is hebrew for darkness.
What are you listening to these days ?
Lots of folk music..pure raw nihilistic black metal.. ofcourse. Whatever thats disturbing me, I like to hear that.. more pwerful.
There is a big scene of music in this planet..
..I have tracks, mostly in my PC archive..or part of the tracks..i was connected somehow with that part..
What have you thought about the band's future?
Gigs, live shows, clips, albums..
..hope we can play in armenia in persian metal festival 2012
Are you planning to go in the open, or still remain underground like always ?
Well.. the end is near.
Now we are open to any kind of...
But generally if we come open, no one will understand it..
Hmmm...How hard journey has been till now..for you..?
I've tried to kill myself 7 times..but I'm still alive..
For one month I was homeless..in Pune there is a Christian cemetery , I was sleeping there and feed myself from the front big trash box..
Couple of month I was totally fucked..In Varanasi, the Aghoris fed me..
Later in goa, I was washed dishes in a Russian restaurant, just to save my soul and serve my band..
Did they rob you or something ?
Yes, many times. They robbed my whole stuff.
They rape my soul .They put gun in my mouth,well whole chaotic system plus the corporate Police
I call it Indian Islamic bizzare reality..life.
Anything to say for the folks back in India ?
Yes, I would like to thank all previous Indian band members of Mogh..
Vruksha(guitar), Al masih Al dajal(keyboard programming) , Bob(bass and recording), Sidhi(drums), Arko(drums), Biswas(bass), Mayank(drums), Zeth(drums), Bapi(drums), Shaman(guitar), Ankush(guitar), Vish(guitar),Akshay(manager) and many great musicians I met at different places...
Alright, thanks for talking to us Faustoos !
Thanks a lot, have a sinful night !
You can follow them on Facebook, Mogh
And here is the video for their practice session,
There is a documentary that they made, based on their experience in India..
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